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Pasture Raised Finally Defined - But, We NEED Your Help!


Hey all, Farmer Paul here, Founder of Pasturebird, with a special announcement.

 Last week, in a major victory, the USDA released new labeling guidelines that finally include an accurate and truthful definition for Pasture Raised chicken. 

 For over 7 years we’ve been working with the USDA to put their foot down on the rampant greenwashing that happens with this simple phrase – Pasture Raised resulting in hard working consumers paying extra for greenwashed product that is nothing more than a marketing gimmick. 

 Sadly, the vast majority of “Pasture Raised” chickens currently sold in the grocery store may have “access” to the outdoors, but actually spend less than 2% of their lives on an actual pasture.  And there are even brands that sell “Pasture Raised” chicken from birds that have literally never been outdoors or on pasture ONCE in their entire life.  How crazy is that!?

 Of course with Pasturebird and many of the small farmers across the US – when we say “Pasture Raised” we really mean that each chicken you buy was truly raised on pasture.  Not on dirt.  Not on their own poop.  Not on gravel.  The technical term is Rooted Vegetative Cover” (aka grass, forbes, flowers, “weeds” – a rich, biodiverse pasture).

 As the largest authentic pasture raised producer in the US and backed by Perdue Farms, the largest organic chicken company in the US, we decided enough was enough with consumers being duped with these supposed synonymous labels. We sprang into action and built a coalition of farmers, industry experts, and third-party groups to engage directly with the USDA, encourage truth in the labeling, and benefit consumers. 

 Starting in 2021, we took 3 distinct actions.

 1. Launched a petition that many of you participated in where we collected over 4,700 signatures from concerned customers. Source: Our 2021 petition

2. Launched a formal consumer survey that proved 89.8% of consumers believe “Pasture Raised” implies that chickens are guaranteed to spend at least some time on a pasture, and 69.4% felt it should be the majority of the animals life.
3. Filed a formal petition to the USDA to update the labeling requirements for a more authentic Pasture Raised claim. This (not surprisingly) received overwhelming support from small farms doing authentic pasture raised, but also (not surprisingly) received backlash from companies raising millions of chickens in expansive stationary warehouse-style facilities and labeling their products as “Pasture Raised.” 

I’m pleased to tell you that all of our efforts worked!

 Last week, in a landmark decision, the USDA released new labeling guidelines that include an accurate and truthful definition for Pasture Raised chicken.  This is huge!

 But we aren’t out of the woods yet – the USDA has put the proposed definition out for a 60-day comment period, and we need your help!  Please make your support for a true definition of “Pasture Raised” known to the USDA before November 12, 2024.

 Visit the Federal eRulemaking Portal, where you can type in your comments directly.

Hopefully, what this means for the consumer is more authentic Pasture Raised products on shelves. More true competition, more accessibility, and more affordability driven by more economies of scale for authentic producers like Pasturebird and the many hard-working pasture raised poultry farmers across the country. 

We want to thank the 4,700+ signers to our campaign to end greenwashing for Pasture Raised and congratulate all of you on a monumental moment for truth and transparency in our food system. 

 Make your voices heard at the USDA -- Go to Docket number -- FSIS–2024–0010. Follow the online instructions to let the USDA know how much you support this commonsense definition that is transparent to consumers and supports poultry pasture farmers like us!

Now let’s go regenerate some more soil!  Our great grandchildren are depending on us.

 Farmer Paul

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